

I liked last season! To each his/her own I guess! It’s not like I think Boardwalk is terrible, I just watch so much TV that I don’t have time for something that feels like work to watch.
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Starting QB with known loyalties by key players, who lost his job to the backup phenom? That probably wouldn’t work on any other team with any other player, but with Alex Smith and the 49ers, it might just work.
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Yes, Will it bug me? That is the answer to the question! Sometimes, it won’t bug me; but, if it does, I must rip-rip-rip. Love the quilt! Scrappy seems to be my favorite.
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He looks just awesome! If I tried to put a collar on my cat, he would try to kill me first, but a silver one would have looked nice on him too.. he's grey striped.Love your blog - never missed a chance to be inspired.//Maja
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