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Hi Corne,thanks for your feedback and sadly you were completely right. Please update your extension, or remove and re-install it. With version >= 2.0.4 (check via menu -> about) you should be able to edit every object type as expected. Sorry for this issue!Best,Sven
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That sound you hear is me cradling my bandaged foot and rocking back and forth, looking out the window at the bike lane and crying softly. :-(
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These buns look yummy! I love cheese buns that are soft...I have a question concerning the directions....for what purpose are the 2 parchment lined baking sheets?Did I miss something when reading the recipe?Thanks, Jane (artfully graced)
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Tats sure very neat of Planet Toys to send you a bunch of toys It is nice to see that everyone had fun we kinda like the Earth Ball. It looks kinda neat. Have a fun day everyone.woofs n licks,Dommy
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I had an encounter with an owl when I was pregnant with my daughter… seriously. So, owls are very special to me! This one would look lovely on our nature table. Thank you for the opportunity.
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