

zegt:Vind ik ook, om te huilen.Eens was ik op een netwerkbijeenkomst en een daar aanwezige coach zei vol overtuiging en vanuit haar tenen ‘ik ben een echt mensenmens’. Ik had haar al een paar keer gezien en gesproken en kon het volmondig beamen, zij is inderdaad een mensenmens, maar dat was meer een gevoel dan dat je het uit kan leggen waarom dat dan zo is.In andere gevallen hoort het woord mensenmens thuis in het rijtje proactief, passie, verbinding etc. …. Jeuk dus!
名前:cheap car insurance quotes Irwin PA | 2019/05/13-00:20
I am incredibly impressed with your accent wall! Nice job. And I’m glad the room now fits CJ’s personality. Love the lamp. My daughter has it in pink. I’m surprised CJ didn’t get the purple one to match the colors in the room! Thought about you this weekend when we were at the pool and there was a little boy playing with his barbies. His mom was embarassed at first, but he and I had a great barbie discussion. You could see the relief in her face. Here’s to letting kids play with whatever they want!
名前:auto insurance rates Saint Joseph MI | 2019/05/12-23:37
Requiring a sign-in Apple ID to even apply updates to the operating system is the death-knell for Apple — it’s finally drank the Kool-Aid of high-octane money-grubbing, and placed itself into the Microsoft camp of no-pay-no-play.Ten years from now, Ubuntu will own the entire world while Apple and Microsoft fade into obscurity.
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lbeh kurg ar. Dlu aku kje satu kdai ni x smpi 3 jam pas tgk dlm peti ais ade arak. kata nya arak tu jenis C, so arak yang tu jenis halal... Aku blurrr.... yang aku tau arak tu haram...
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I believe her and every year she is right. Here is what I had to say at the beginning of last year..reflection is good. Published: January 4, 2012 Filed Under: how i am seeing the world, personal, rants Tags: new
名前:auto insurance rates Easton PA | 2019/05/12-20:49
My husband actually took me to the theater to see it. I mean it involved blogging and cooking - two things I love! Anyway, I liked the movie and really got a kick out of the way they emphasized her emotion through the whole process. It really is how bloggers tend to react. It was just funny to watch it.
名前:auto owners insurance Toledo OH | 2019/05/12-20:26
Simple response!Koreans don't care where the four J-lawmakers want to visit. We are angry their intent to use this matter as a political show.They ignored the fact and truth that Dokdo is a Korean territory and there is no Takeshima except their immagination. Therefore, Koreans are angry their intent to use Dokdo for their political interest.
名前:cheap car insurance Port Saint Lucie FL | 2019/05/12-19:51
Given that the climate bill just died in the Senate and I am still hearing so many "experts" bloviating that this is all a hoax, it just makes me so much more angry that there is even a 1 in 20 chance that my son's children will live in a world that is unrecognizable by today's standards.
名前:best car insurance in Eau Claire WI | 2019/05/12-19:09
UTS,You personify the adage, "you can't fix stupid".Black Ink was referencing black leadership's position, not his own, when he made the comment, "How can a black man possibly succeed on merit". Your out of context rant supports his point and exposes your ignorance and chip on the shoulder insecurity and hate.Shame on your racist agenda!
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